The capital of Austria. Wein, as it is in local parlance. Some may say they speak Austrian, but it’s basically German with an accent.
Two massive palaces. A beautiful opera house. World famous foods.
The Hapsburgs ruled a sprawling European empire until they chose the wrong side in WWI, which ended the dynasty.
Top Attractions: Hofburg Palace, Schönbrunn Palace, Vienna State Opera, St. Stephen’s Cathedral.
It would be easy to spend a week here just trying to get through the highlights.
Pro Tip: Buy advanced tickets for palace tours. Many entrances are timed and lines for tickets can be a long wait.

There are lots of foods available in the city. Traditional favorites include the namesake dish, weinerschnitzel, and strudel. Apple strudel is more common but the cheese version (tapfensteudel) with some schnapps is quite tasty.

Definitely try the beer. However, schnaps is a local favorite. If high sugar and low alcohol products like De Kuyper come to mind, that’s fair (though there is a place for their stuff in bars). However, this is different. The traditional apricot flavor is popular, called marillenschnaps.