Capital of the Nabatean Kingdom, which prospered in the area around 7,000 years ago. They were merchant traders who had a corner on the frankincense and myrrh trades. The city of Petra was designed to channel all water in the area into the city. This provided cisterns for the residents of the city and also forced travelers to pay for room / board with the Nabateans, as well as open potential trade opportunities.


Petra's Old City: A UNESCO World Heritage Site. The crown jewel is The Treasury, though there is much more.
Pro Tip: Lots of walking in loose sand. Leave time to explore if you are seeing the site on your own. The cost of the horse ride at the beginning / end is included in the cost of the ticket, but tips are expected.


Cave Bar: Carakale in draft. Apparently the bar is built into a stone carved tomb. Individual tombs were carved along the wall, which now have bar seating.

Petra: Potent with an 8% and 10% ABV. I believe there is one with 12-15% but I prefer my wine without bubbles 😂