Capital: Amman

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has iconic sites like the Petra, Decapolis Cities, and Mount Nebo. I went with a tour group, something I don't usually do. However, the amount of history to cover and lack of public transportation between several of the sites made a guided tour a great choice.

Bethany Beyond the Jordan: A UNESCO World Heritage Site, also known as Al-Maghtas. There is some debate as to where Jesus was baptized by his cousin John.

Decapolis (Jarash): The Decapolis Cities were 10 (deca) cities that banded together for largely economic advantage. Jarash is one of them.

Petra: Home of the Nabateans, merchants and traders who are famed for their architecture hewn from the rocks.

Mount Nebo: Biblical history states this is the location is where God showed Moses the Promised Land, an area he would never enter himself.