A capital city. A divided city (politically, and into ethnic quarters). This is one of (if not the) most contested pieces of land in the world. I was on a tour of the country and entered Jerusalem on October 9, 2023...two days after Hamas attacked Israeli kibbutzim near Gaza. A lot was closed but was able to get some sightseeing in, safely.


Via Dolorosa: The Way of Sorrows. This is supposed to be the path Jesus walked while carrying the cross on the way to crucifixion. There is probably some history to support this but the city has been built up so many times that I'm not sure how many of the streets from 2,000 years ago are still around today, much less on this elevation. Either way, pilgrims to the site still find it interesting. The route starts at the Sanctuaries of the Flagellation and Condemnation.

Church of the Holy Sepulcher: A church that is supposedly the site of the crucification, burial, and resurrection of Christ. Built in the 4th century, there is some debate as to where Jesus was buried. Regardless of what you believe on this topic or religion in general, the architecture alone is worth making a stop.

Garden Tomb: The case for a tomb outside the city walls is derived from John 19:40-42, which describes Jesus being crucified in an area with a garden nearby and a tomb located in the garden. It's unlikely there was a garden with a tomb in the middle of the Old City.

Western Wall / Temple Mount: The western wall of the temple prior to when the Romans destroyed it. The mount now has the al-Aqsa Mosque (brown dome) and Dome of the Rock (golden dome). Access was restricted during my visit so I didn't get any closer than this.


Craft Bistro: A pizzeria located about 15 minutes walk from the New Gate.


Wine and Beer: Both are available at grocery stores, which are often small convenience store sized outlets tucked away in neighborhoods across the city. Carmel King David - Concord 140: Made from the American concord grape varietal. The kosher wine is very sweet. I don't care for sweet wine but wanted to try something local. This small bottle was a good way to something about the size of a glass of wine.
The beer is high octane, at 7.9% and 10% ABV for these two.