The Gem State

Capital: Boise

Potatoes. A guy obsessed with finding a truck that looks like a big potato. The tuber is a big part of the state's history. Spalding, a missionary in the area, traded with the native Nez Purse. Together, they planted the first potatoes in the state.
The Gem State is more than just potatoes, though. Rare gems and minerals, such as the Star Garnet (state gem) have been found across the state. The 43rd state joined the Union in 1890.
The eastern part of the state is desert. 70% of all trout eaten in the US is hatched in Idaho.

Idaho State Capitol: A quick self-guided tour if you can't make a docent-guided tour.

National Park Sites Visited

Craters of the Moon National Monument: Fissures in the Earth created this site, not a volcano. Apollo astronauts visited the site in 1969.

Yellowstone National Park: Only 1% of the site is in Idaho, but it technically counts. Most of the park is in Wyoming.