Located in southern Arizona, about two hours east of Tucson. This National Historic Site preserves what little is left of the old fort. The fort was built in response to Chiricahua Apache raids on local farmers and those transiting through the land. Violence escalated with the fort, rather than subside. After Geronimo was defeated, the fort and building materials used to construct it were sold.
The site is out there and there isn't much to see once you arrive. If the site has special meaning to you or you happen to be in the area, check it out. Otherwise, here's about all you'd be missing.
Pro Tip: The site is rather remote. Fill up on gas before you go and have some food / water in the car, as there aren't many services nearby. There was also a tractor trailer wreck on I-10 when I left the site that caused a 1.5 hour detour.