College town. Nike. An awkwardly placed cemetery. Let's go check it out.


University of Oregon: This place is all about it's sports program...and since Nike was basically birthed out of their athletic program, it makes sense. Nike has contributed to the multi-million dollar sport complex on campus. Athletes have access to the lates therapies, technologies...and shoes.

Animal House: Delta House was torn down in the 1980s, not long after the film was released. This plaque pays homage to the movie...and the people who lived on this spot before the movie make it legendary. The parking lot for a doctor's office or something stands in its place.

Eugene Pioneer Cemetery: This was an odd one...I was walking university grounds and then see headstones all of the sudden. Apparently a cemetery was founded here in 1872...the structures here now came up much later.


McMenamin's: An Oregon institution. Restaurants, breweries, hotels. I wasn't even looking for it but it was conveniently located on the edge of the campus. Tots are a specialty for them. I wasn't even hungry but they sounded good. Cajun tots with peppercorn ranch.


McMenamin's: So I actually stopped for the beer and ordered the tots on the side. This is the Hammerhead Hazy Pale Ale. Place has a cool vibe that probably gets hopping in the evening...pinball games, shuffleboard tables, and lots of room.