
Dayton Aviation Heritage NHP: It's all about the Wright Brothers and their early years in bicycle manufacturing at this site.

National Museum of the US Air Force: A great tribute to aviation and the service members of the US Air Force. Fixed wing, rotary, jets, rockets...old or relatively new, they're all on display here.
Pro Tip: It's a large facility. Plan to take some time to work through the galleries and try to join a docent guided tour for more info than you get on the signs and map.


Carillon Brewing Co: The wurst on a bun was pretty good. They don't have an extensive menu so if you're looking for more extensive options, this isn't the place for you.


Carillon Brewing Co: The beer is produced using techniques from the 1850s. The staff (mostly) wears period attire. They can explain how a lot of the gravity fed systems in the brewery works.