Capital of Germany. A modern city in old Europe.

Reichstag Building: Parliament building. Tours are available, largely in German. Foreign language tours are available for groups of 6-25. I didn't try to sign up but regret not trying.

Pergamonmuseum: Seeing the Ishtar gate from Babylon (south of Baghdad, Iraq) was a bucket list item for me.

Brandenburg Gate: The gate, which leads to the city of Brandenburg, was built in the late 1700s. The Quadriga statue (four horses on the top) was taken to Paris by Napoleon and later returned. The gate became a symbol of the Cold War in a divided Berlin. The nearby Hotel Adlon is where Michael Jackson dangled his son over the balcony.

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe: Germany takes it right on and calls a spade a spade. Not sure I appreciate the use of the installation as a bench but people can reflect history in their own way.